Bedroom Furniture Paint Ideas
Bedroom Furniture Paint Ideas. Yellow dresser drawers add just enough color to a painted furniture update without being over the top. The way you design and put everything together, including the painting colors will affect the mood of the room and the comfort of your sleep.
Darker paint colours work really well if you balance the rest of the colour scheme carefully: choosing pale colours for the bedding, furniture, flooring, ceiling and window dressing will be particularly important in a room that gets poor natural daylight, but will keep brighter spaces feeling airy in the daytime, too.
Unlike chalk paints, you don't have to paint, distress, paint, distress, paint and wax.
When you use the right furniture paint, it's a no fuss, no mess paint project. Whether you want to paint a chair, table, nightstand, or specialty piece, this is a great DIY project that can give your furniture a unique look with just a few hours of work and some basic supplies. There is a lot of information out there from the Pro's on using Chalk Paint®, but I just wanted to throw my tips and tricks that I learned using Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan, before I get into he transformation of my bedroom furniture!